The Company currently operates a concentrated acreage position in a premier region of the Appalachia basin in Marshall and Wetzel Counties, West Virginia. The Company plans to continue to grow in these areas through select strategic acquisitions and grassroots leasing efforts. The Company focuses on operational excellence and detailed analysis, with all decisions underpinned by deep technical and financial evaluation.

THQ Appalachia I, LLC
THQ Appalachia I, LLC (“THQA”), backed by an equity commitment from Quantum Energy Partners, is an exploration and production company focused exclusively on opportunities targeting the Marcellus, Utica / Point Pleasant and Upper Devonian plays in West Virginia. THQA owns a significant leasehold position in the core of Marshall and Wetzel counties in West Virginia and plans continued growth through strategic acquisitions, grassroots leasing efforts and development operations. With Tug Hill Operating’s extensive history of operating in the basin, THQA’s principal focus is on developing high-return, growth oriented projects in Appalachia.